因果輪廻的旁證(三)—— 華夏古卷早有因果論
小啟示 大道理:「靜心」
The Gadsden Times, Sunday,July4, 1971 --- Page
John Butler, Times Staff Writer
a 7-year-old German boy the reincarnation of the late President John F. Kennedy?
Schuler, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schuler of Munich, Germany, has
astounded his family and experts alike.
the things he can “remember” are the following:
cheered by vast crowds, flying in his own jet airplane, minute details of the
White House office of President Kennedy, the late JFK and details of American
article in Midnight, a tabloid newspaper, states that the youth also “remembers”
that he had a wife named “Jackie”.
H. N. Banerjee, a leading parapsychologist, said: “In my estimation of the facts,
the only logical conclusion is that this child indeed, is the reincarnation of
John F, Kennedy.”
was born on Nov 22, 1963 at 9:48pm. Considering the time difference between
Munich and Dallas, it would mean that he was born at exactly 12:48pm Dallas
Kennedy was shot by an assassin on that day at 12:30pm. He was not pronounced
dead until 12:59, but the doctors in attendance are convinced Kennedy died just
shortly after being struck by a bullet in the brain.
child has a birthmark on the upper right side of his head in approximately the
same location as the wound sustained by the slain President, according to
Professor Banerjee.
boy’s mother recalls: “The first time we knew there was something unusual about
Johan was when he was three. When we brought his new little brother home from
the hospital he looked at him and started saying ‘John-John’. We laughed and
told him no, it was Erik. But he would simply shake his head and keep repeating
few weeks later, little Johan approached his mother with a page torn from a
slick magazine. He held the page up to her.
he said.
Mrs. Schuler looked at the page
and was startled to see that it was a photograph of Jackie Kennedy.
first, the Schulers were convinced it was all a matter of coincidence and
nothing else.
then the coincidences began to happen almost every day,” recalls Mrs. Schuler.
day little Johan was lying on the floor, drawing on a piece of stationery.
don’t you draw a house?” his mother urged him.
the child sketched a long, low house with a dome on top --- a crude replica of
the white House.
the time he was five, Johan was searching every magazine he could find for
photographs of Jackie Kennedy. Often he would sit for long periods of time,
looking at one of her pictures.
was almost five when Jackie married Aristotle Onassis. “When he found a
photograph of Onassis, he ripped it to shreds,” said Mrs. Schuler.
Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated. The Schulers were discussing it one
afternoon. Suddenly, Johan burst into tears. When asked what the matter was, he
replied: “Bobby is dead.”
Schuler said that only reference had been to Robert Kennedy “not Bobby.”
a year ago (1970), the Schulers wrote to Professor Banerjee who has investigated
several cases of apparent reincarnation, “We had three long sessions, each
lasting almost an entire day. The child talked much more freely with me than he
had with his parents.”
told me bluntly that he felt he had lived another life and that he had been the
leader of the people of the United States.
asked him to describe the office where he worked and he did it in great detail.
Later, when I checked it out, he was correct in every instance.”
one point, the child mentioned the name of Lincoln. The professor asked if he
meant Abraham Lincoln.
he said impatiently. “I mean Mrs. Lincoln who worked in the next office.” (Evelyn
Lincoln was Kennedy’s secretary).
child had vivid memories of standing before huge crowds of people. At one
in an interview, he said: “Cuba was a mistake.” When pressed for an
explanation, Johan said: “Castro will defeat himself. There should be no
Banerjee asked him why he went to Texas, Johan grimaced: “The people there
wanted to see me and my friends wanted to go.”
child has vivid memories of his “wife” Jackie: “She was a very neat person,”
the boy said. “She always placed the clothes and even the gloves she would wear
the next at the foot of her bed before retiring. She was very beautiful.”
and Mrs. Schuler claim their son has never been exposed to American history,
recent or past. He is only beginning to read very elementary books.
the Schulers are beginning to worry about Johan. He seems, they said, to become
more sad and moody with each passing day.
to the time of Kennedy’s death and John’s birth. Did they have to occur at
exactly the same time for reincarnation? Edgar Cayce, the famed psychic who
often wrote on reincarnation, said a spirit may enter the child before birth,
at time of birth, or even several hours after birth.
西元一九六三年12月22日正午十二時三十分美國總統廿迺迪被暗殺,於十八分鐘後在西德轉生,即於晚上九時四十八分(美國正午十二時 四十八分)一小孩生於西德曼汗市,名叫約翰。當他三、四歲時,常於三 更半夜,夢中狂喊著:「賈桂!回來!賈桂」。「賈桂」便是已故廿迺迪 總統的夫人。他的父毋--諾貝特.修拉夫婦,常被他如此的喊叫驚醒,望著愛子而感到莫明其妙。At 12:30pm, on Dec 22,1963, US President, John F.
Kennedy was assassinated. And, at Germany’s time 9:48pm (US time 12:48pm) a baby
boy named Johan Schuler was born in Munick, Germany.
When he grew to 3 or 4 years old, he often screamed in his dream, “Jackie, come
back!Jackie!” Jackie was the wife of the late US President, John F. Kennedy.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schuler, were often awakened by his
screaming and they could not explain the strange behaviour of the boy.
事情古訴她,其中就有一件奇怪的事。In June 1969, when Johan was
in the kindergarten, his teacher, Miss Jerusha Berham, told the children to draw a
picture of their own house. But the 5-year-old Johan drew a house totally
different from his current residence, which was a big white house, and he insisted
it was his house and that he did not tell lie. The teacher suddenly felt that
the big white house seemed to be the White Palace of United States. So Miss Jerusha
decided to pay Mr. and Mrs. Nobert Schuler a visit and notified them about the boy’s drawing. The parents then disclosed to her some other
unusual incident in the past.
約翰三歲時,他家裡誕生了一位弟弟名叫耶利克,約翰一見弟弟,便指著他叫道「尊.尊」,修拉夫婦哈哈大笑並告訴約翰說:「約翰,他不是『尊』,他是耶利克﹒修拉。」可是約翰固執地叫他弟弟「尊.尊」。了解美國歷史和時事的耶魯沙小姐說:「『尊.尊』就是甘迺迪前總統兒子(1960年11月25日生,1999年7月16日卒)的名字」。When Johan was was three,
his new little brother was born to the family. When we brought his new little
brother home from the hospital, he looked at him for the first time and started
saying ‘John-John’. We laughed and told him no, it was Erik. But he would
simply shake his head and insisted to call him ‘John-John’.” Miss Jerusha (who
was knowledgeable of the world’s history and current event) said, “John-John was the
name of the late President Kennedy’s son.”
羅伯特.甘迺迪(甘迺迪總統的侄兒)被槍殺時(1968年6月5日午夜遇槍擊,6月6日早晨死亡),一天下午修拉夫婦正在議論這件事。突然,約翰就號啕大哭。被問及原因時,他啜泣地說:「Bobby死了。」修拉太太指出,這「Bobby」唯一可能是指「羅伯特.甘迺迪」,而不是任何一位「Bobby」。Initially, the Schulers
were convinced it was all a matter of coincidence and nothing else. By the time
he was five, Johan was searching every magazine he could find for photographs of
Jackie Kennedy. Often he would sit for long periods of time, looking at one of
her pictures.
was almost five when Jackie married Aristotle Onassis. “When he found a
photograph of Onassis, he ripped it to shreds,” said Mrs. Schuler.
Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated, the Schulers were discussing it one
afternoon. Suddenly, Johan burst into tears. When asked what the matter was, he
replied: “Bobby is dead.” Mrs. Schuler said that only reference had been to Robert
Kennedy “not Bobby.”
授,接受他的指點。Whenever he celebrated his birthday, he was often in tears and cried
with the complaint of extreme pain in his head. On the upper right
side of his head was then discovered a birthmark, in approximately the same
location of forehead's right side as the wound sustained by the slain President (the bullet was fired at the back side of the head and left through the right side of his forehead). Miss Jerusha then studied closely the face of little Johan and was shocked to observe the
remarkable resemblance of his facial look with that of the late President
Kennedy. Subsequently, Miss Jerusha brought the boy to consult the leading
parapsychologist, Professor H. N. Banerjee.
在1970年,修拉夫婦曾寫信給巴涅魯耶教授。這位教授曾研究過好幾件輪迴轉生的個案,他透露:「我們通過三個長期階段的探究,每一次都幾乎耗上一整天。孩子會更自然而無忌憚地向我坦白地說出真心話,遠遠超出他所愿意向他父母說的。」In 1970,
the Schulers wrote to Professor Banerjee, who had investigated several cases of
apparent reincarnation, “We had three long sessions, each lasting almost an
entire day. The child talked much more freely with me than he had with his
told Professor Banerjee bluntly that he felt he had lived another life and that
he had been the leader of the people of the United States.
asked him to describe the office where he worked and he did it in great detail.
Later, when I checked it out, he was correct in every instance.”
one point, the child mentioned the name of Lincoln. The professor asked if he
meant Abraham Lincoln.
he said impatiently. “I mean Mrs. Lincoln who worked in the next office.”
(Evelyn Lincoln was Kennedy’s secretary).
child had vivid memories of standing before huge crowds of people. At one point
in an interview, he said: “Cuba was a mistake.” When pressed for an
explanation, Johan said: “Castro will defeat himself. There should be no
當巴涅魯耶教授問他為何去德克薩斯州時,他扁着嘴回答道:「那裡的人想見我,而且我的朋友也想去。」約翰尤其對他的「妻子」---賈桂記憶清晰。「她是個愛整潔的人,她睡覺前的習慣是將第二天要穿的衣服和手套,放在床腳的一端 。她非常漂亮。」
當然,他的雙親表示未曾讓他接觸過美國的歷史,他當時只是開始閱讀很基礎的兒童刊物。When Banerjee asked
him why he went to Texas, Johan grimaced: “The people there wanted to see me
and my friends wanted to go.”
child had vivid memories of his “wife” Jackie: “She was a very neat person,”
the boy said. “She always placed the clothes and even the gloves she would wear
the next at the foot of her bed before retiring. She was very beautiful.”
and Mrs. Schuler claimed their son had never been exposed to American history,
recent or past. He is only beginning to read very elementary books.
種種的調查後,巴涅魯耶教授這麼說:「我無法不如此下定論,約翰少 年便是甘迺迪總統的轉世。」 在科學昌明發達之此時,不要就視此為無稽之談。美國和西德相距遙遠,一個天真無邪的小孩,怎麼會知道這些事情;尤其,是對於他和太太
,還繼續的去輪迴,只不過是換上另一軀殼而已。After probing into Johan’s case, Professor H. N. Banerjee, conclusively remarked:
“In my estimation of the facts, the only logical conclusion is that this child
indeed, is the reincarnation of John F, Kennedy.” Though living in our present age of modern science, it is yet unwise to regard this case as ridiculous nonsense. USA and West
Germany are apart for long distance, yet how can an innocent child know of
those daily-life’s details of the late President Kennedy? Especially when it
involves the privacy and personal habit of President Kennedy’s wife, which is not
known to others. Hence, we can conclude that “a person really possess a spirit
and that it continue to exist in the cosmos through reincarnations, only that it
will have to live in a brand new physical body in the next life”.
然而,修拉夫婦開始為約翰擔心,他們透露約翰似乎一天更比一天傷心鬱悶...。回到美國總統廿迺迪的死與約翰的生,難道以輪迴的觀點而言﹐需要同時發生才行嗎?長期研究輪迴事故的著名心理學家艾德迦.凱西說過:靈魂有可能會在降生之前、或降生的同時、或降生數小時後投入嬰孩體內。Meanwhile, the
Schulers were beginning to worry about Johan. He seemed, as they said, to become
more sad and moody with each passing day.
to the time of Kennedy’s death and John’s birth. Did they have to occur at
exactly the same time for reincarnation? Edgar Cayce, the famed psychic who
often wrote on reincarnation, said a spirit may enter the child before birth,
at time of birth, or even several hours after birth.