後來父親因老伴逝世而空虛、酗酒,用燒炭方式自殺了,但這次卻是:他睡醒後驚見自己滿身、滿臉都有炭灰...,他懷疑父親也是自己所殺的。媒體原本想大篇幅地報導,但警方卻以“證據不足” 預先提醒。
如此,才結束了這樁“殺人疑云”。由此案例可以證明“夢游中”不自覺所做的一切“糊裡糊塗”的事情,一般上醒着的時候是記不起來的,但卻可以透過催眠喚醒最深層的記憶,那個深層記憶所“記錄”的自己所有行為,叫做“藏識”,像是自己“頭頂上的監察神”、或飛機的“黑盒子”、或“自己本性(如來佛)的藏經閣”一樣。一般相信,只要喚醒了自己的這個“藏識”,也可以回溯起自己無量劫以來的輪迴轉生。“夢游中的自己”是“潛意識” (也叫做“我所識”或“自我意識”),“被催眠回憶起所有個人行蹤後的自己”是“藏識”(也叫做“微意識”),但是背後仍然還有一個“如如不動、未曾受到外在物欲污染的自己(原來本性)”——那個就叫做“無垢識”或“宇宙意識”了。而那個夢游中的“糊裡糊塗”就叫做“無明”了!天下的眾生也都曾被“無明”所牽引而造下了無數的業﹐給自己種下了輪迴的種子。“無明”會令人誤以為“狗血”是“湖泊”、把地上撿到的東西帶回自己臥室又繼續睡、把黑炭當作爽身粉涂抹身上。人常因“無明”而造業並為着抵償業報而付出了輪迴代價,這就是所謂的“帶業往生”。在現實生活中,夢游症患者大多也患有憂鬱症,尤其是所承受壓力大於“心靈負荷量”的心智未成熟(心智有待成長)的小孩、或腦部退化的老人。由此推究人之所以有輪迴,除了為抵償業報之外,就是要讓“靈性成長” ,輪迴一次,就有一次心靈的成長機會,直到能自己够從“輪迴學府” 中畢業為止,而平日心靈所承受的生活壓力則有如學府的考試。
近百年來有無數件借用催眠術回溯前世的真實案例,證實了“藏識”確實記錄着個人累世的輪迴經歷,但是大部分的人往往於潛意識的認知中,在“修行”與“神通” (尤其是“宿命通”)之間慣性地畫上相等號,把“修行”過渡的“神通化”了,才把“如來藏識”
施洗約翰曾預言說:“將來那一位,比我更強,我連提他的鞋也不配,他要以聖靈. 及火洗你們”,又補充說:“他手裡拿着簸箕,他要揚淨他的場,把麥子收在倉裡,把糠用不滅的火燒盡了。”這個揚淨稻場(道場)以及用不滅之火燃燒糠的動作,是在求道儀式中落實的:他手裡拿着“簸箕”——
“簸箕” 在相學中是指紋的形狀,在此印證了數千年以來至今才流傳於庶民之間的“明師一指”的性理心法,而且是要開啟心門並把埋藏在人心深處的善惡作一番區分的,猶如“用簸箕篩選麥和糠”一樣(由此可以證明﹐若是沒有求道、得受真傳﹐是很難去完全領會暗藏在聖經或其他佛經中的千古微妙法門的);“麥”字在人人臉上,明師以右手開啟了玄關後,把“麥(求道人的自性佛=精神糧食)”收在“倉裡”,人的“第八識 ——阿賴耶識(藏識)”就是這個“穀倉(所以英語叫做Storehouse Consciousness)”;“糠”就是“麥的外壳”,就是“眼識、耳識、鼻識、舌識、身識、意識、末那識”,代表“麥籽七重的果壁及籽衣”,都是“假我”的意識附屬品,都得要“埋入地底下、歸向地球核心内不滅的火中”—— 這可以對應在古人“吃土歸土”的“土葬儀式”上,像是把“假我”或“肉身屍體”埋葬一樣,明師以左手“覆蓋”,猶如“送你一把泥土”,把可善可惡的“人心”象徵式地“埋”了,人心一死,道心即可復活。那個把人屍身埋入地底獻給地下不滅火的古禮是以廣義而言,若以狹義而言:每一個靈性的肉身個體(小稻場=小道場)都得用自己的“先天的靈能——不滅之火(左右大腦則可以對應在地球的左半球及右半球上,肉身的“小地球”内部也有不滅的火)” 來燃燒“靈性的糠——後天的慾望及意識”作為燃料,才能透過歷劫輪迴去經歷靈性的成長而有所增益。因此,這“聖靈. 及火的洗禮”其實是一種“回歸自然、契合輪迴之前的原始本我、能解脱生死束縛”的洗禮,而在求道儀式中、求道人手抱合同、凝視佛燈時,在明師一指的當下,自性佛(無垢識)即刻被開啟,只是有待日後的勤修以落實“燃燒穀糠”的作業而已...。大道的真實及天命的寶貴(若無天命,不能傳授性理真傳)在此更可以得到證實。

Simple Explanation On "Consciousness Devoid Of Filth(Amala Consciousness)"
There lived in a
forestry district in Xin Bei Shi (New Northern Town) in
Taiwan, a 26-year-old youth, who had suffered love rejection (for more than a
year), followed by his losing of job, and he later picked up a habit of taking “depression
medical pills ” (he used to work in Xin Zhu’s Science And Technology Park before
unemployment, loaded with intensive work stress). This slowly caused him to develop a habit of sleep-walking, without
his own knowing of it for quite a period. The sickness had worsened such that
he could hardly differentiate the conscious state from dream state, and it even
confused him into the thinking that he could have killed his parents
subsequently. He finally decided to seek help from Mr “Little Meng” (a
famous tarot fortune-teller who has been frequently invited into the studio to
perform in some Taiwan’s talk show) to
solve the puzzle. The young man disclosed that in those days when he was still
unaware of his own sleep-walking, he sometimes woke up in the morning to find
grasses and mud stuck to the side of his lips (and clothing) and footsteps with muddy soil on his room’s
floor and on his bedsheet --- throughout seven nights (he could have been
wandering around and at times tripped over the grassy ground). Suspecting that someone had trespassed
his bedroom, he locked himself in his bedroom every night before sleep rest, with
an iron chain fastened around the door’s lock, but that was not efficient at
all. The next morning, he woke up to find, to his shock, that his face and
hands were bloodstained and sticked with dog’s fur. Even the wall was
bloodstained with his own handprints. After a bath and cleaning up the room, he stepped out of his house
to learn the news that a dog belonged to the neighbouring convenient store was
killed mysteriously by the roadside. He could hardly believe that he, himself,
was the one who had murdered the dog.
To keep track on
his own future behaviour and to collect evidence for his “having committed murder”
while sleep-walking, he installed a GPS system in his house and wore a GPS
Skykap (on his head) before going to bed, with the same system
fixed onto his computer desk. But the next morning dawned with this young man
finding his system being uninstalled, and this time he had even sleep-walked to
bring home strange items like decorative stone carp from the public artificial pool, and bonzai etc, over which the district incharge claimed to have already
raised a police report..... Then one morning, his mother was found to have hung
herself in her bedroom, and on the very same day he woke up to find himself
grasping a short length of rope in his hand. After much investigation, the
police comforted him with the conclusion that his mother was not murdered by
anyone but had really committed suicide.
Depressed over
the death of the youth’s mother, his father got drunk one night and killed
himself by self-suffocation with burning charcoal. This time, in the next morning, the young man
found his own hands and face wiped with charcoal powder all over. He told the
police he suspected he could have been the one who killed his father. Some news reporters had initially thought of reporting the
news at great length
on the newspaper, but the investigation police reminded them beforehand there
was insufficiency of evidence.
From Mr Little
Meng’s card-drawing fortune-telling, the tarot card of “Hermit” (with an image
of a wanderer holding a lamp) was being drawn out and he tried hard to convince
the young sleep-walker he had committed no crime (if he were the murderer, the
card of “Killing with swords” or “The Death” would have been drawn out). Seeing
the youth not convinced, Mr Little Meng said he could introduce a professional
hypnotizer to him to unfold the truth. The sleep-walker even suggested he would
notify the police as well so that if he was really the murderer, they could
arrest him on the spot after the hypnosis was over. But the puzzle was solved
with the facts below:
1) In his sleep-walk, he walked
down the steps from his bedroom and stepped out of the house to witness the
neighbour’s dog being knocked down by a taxi. Subconsciously thinking the pool
of blood was a pond of water, he bathed his face with it, therefore staining
himself with blood, with dog’s fur sticked onto his face and hands.
2)His mother had
initially cut off an extra length of rope and dumped it at the doorstep of her
bedroom, before hanging herself. That very same night, the sleep-walker passed
by the doorstep, picked up the length of rope, brought it back into his own
bedroom and fell into sleep again.
3)When his father planned
to commit suicide with burning charcoal, he had bought home four big packets of
charcoal, leaving one extra packet in the living room. As he sleep-walked into
the living room, he subconsciously mistook the charcoal for body
powder and
dusted them onto his arms and face.
Hence, the
mystery of “murder suspicion” was solved. From this true case of sleepwalking,
we can realize that a sleepwalker could do “dull witted” illogical deeds which
he can hardly recall after awakened, and that professional hypnosis can really
probe into the deeper subconsciousness and help revive the memory over every
details of one’s daily life commitment. This “deeper subconsciousness” is a
mental state that records all personal behaviour --- like a “supervisory deity”
above one’s head, or like the “black box” of an airbus, or “a vast, boundless
library” owned by one’s Buddha nature. It was believed that by reviving this “storehouse
consciousness”, one could recall every rebirth since many kalpas ago. “The Self
in sleep-walking state” is one’s “subconsciousness” (also called “self-consciousness”).
“The Self after recalling one’s behaviour in a hypnosis trance” is one’s “storehouse consciousness” or “alaya consciousness” (also called “minimal
consciousness”). Yet there is still a “Higher Self (Buddha nature) ” that has neither been emotionally moved nor
been stained by material desire --- it is called “consciousness devoid of filth”.
Hence, the so-called “dull witted state”
is “ignorance (lack of consciousness)”. Every sentient being had
ever been blinded by “ignorance” and committed myriads of karma which forms one's
“seed of reincarnation (karmic potentials)”. “Ignorance” can fool a sleepwalker into the thinking
that a pool of dog’s blood is a pond of water; it can make a sleepwalker bring
back to his bed unneeded items picked up from the ground; it can mislead a
sleepwalker into thinking that pieces of charcoal are body powder. It is
ignorance that leads human beings to commit evil deeds and then suffer its retribution
by reincarnation --- this outcome is
what we call “rebirth with karma”. In our daily life, a sleepwalker is always
understood to have suffered depression to a certain extent. He or she could
have been bearing with pressure larger than sustainable psychically --- as
in most sleep-walker cases of children, whose wit is underdeveloped, or
those of old folks, whose brain has suffered aging. Since “underdevelopment” means “needing of growth’”,
comparatively, one can conclude that we suffer reincarnation not mainly to repay for erroneous deeds as retribution, but also due to the necessity to
carry out “spiritual growth” --- every single rebirth is an opportunity granted
for making progression in spiritual growth until one has finally graduated from
the “school” of reincarnation, whereby “daily life pressure” exerted onto one’s
spirit is comparable to school test.
Hereby, there is
a need to clarify the inherited misconceptions involving “Alaya Consciousness”. Usually,
the revival of “Alaya Consciousness” (by spiritual cultivation)
has been incorrectly relayed as “a supreme stage of Buddhahood attainment”.
But the fact is that this “8th Consciousness”, as it is sometimes called, is
still not the consciousness stage of attaining absolute liberation. In recent
centuries, there have been myriads of hypnotherapy cases of recalling past
lives and it has, thus, been proved that “Alaya Consciousness” indeed records human’s
experience of countless rebirths. Yet, most people subconsciously holds cognition
that “spiritual cultivation” is equivalent to “acquiring supernatural
capabilities” and has been misled into believe that “Alaya Consciousness” is “one’s
Buddha nature”. Only after one has overcome such
premonitory thoughts, which gives rise to “obstacle of what is known知見障”, then the “9th
Consciousness --- Amala Consciousness (or
‘Cosmic Consciousness’), like a core wrapped up in multiple
layers” is more likely to be fathomed.